Payment Integrity
The Payment Integrity Priority Area is focused on demonstrating stewardship of taxpayer dollars by reducing monetary loss and making payments correctly the first time.
Below is the Executive Steering Committee organizational structure for the Payment Integrity Priority Area:
![Hierarchy Row 1 (from top): Executive Steering Committee (Lead: OMB, HHS-CMS, DOL, Treasury) Hierarchy Row 2: Clarify and Streamline Requirements (Strategy Executive: OMB) Improper Payment Definition (12/17 - 5/18 COMPLETE) Improper Payment Reporting (12/17 - 5/18 COMPLETE) Risk Assessment (12/17 - 5/18 COMPLETE) Statutory Changes (12/17 - 5/18 COMPLETE) Root Cause and Eligibility Criteria Reporting Model Guidance Update (3/20-6/20) Payment Integrity Information Act Implementation Guidance (4/20-9/20) Monetary Loss Root Causes (Strategy Executive: TBD) Root Cause Identification (12/18-5/19 COMPLETE) Identity (Phase 1) (7/19-1/20 COMPLETE) Tolerable Level of Improper Payments Evaluation (TBD) Quantifying Identity (3/20-7/20) Strategic Data Use (Strategy Executive: Treasury) Dataset and Eligibility Criteria Identification (12/18-5/19 COMPLETE) Preliminary Data Access Identification (7/19-1/20 COMPLETE) Preliminary Eligibility Pilot Project (1/20-3/22) Data Access Identification & Data Element/Eligibility Requirements (3/20-8/20) Mitigation Strategies (Strategy Executive: VA) Leveraging Existing Strategies to Reduce Monetary Loss (7/19-2/20 COMPLETE) Non-data Dependent Strategy Mapping to Monetary Loss Root Causes (12/19-2/20 COMPLETE) Education and Mitigation Strategy Pilot Evaluation (3/20-5/20) Pilot Development and Implementation (6/20-5/21) Partnership with States (Strategy Executive: Treasury) Federally Funded State Administered Program Evaluation (5/19-8/19 COMPLETE) States Partnership (4/20-1/21)](/preview/gsa/cfo.gov/content-fix/assets/images/gpr_org_structure.png)
![Hierarchy Row 1 (from top): Executive Steering Committee (Lead: OMB, HHS-CMS, DOL, Treasury) Hierarchy Row 2: Clarify and Streamline Requirements (Strategy Executive: OMB) Improper Payment Definition (12/17 - 5/18 COMPLETE) Improper Payment Reporting (12/17 - 5/18 COMPLETE) Risk Assessment (12/17 - 5/18 COMPLETE) Statutory Changes (12/17 - 5/18 COMPLETE) Root Cause and Eligibility Criteria Reporting Model Guidance Update (3/20-6/20) Payment Integrity Information Act Implementation Guidance (4/20-9/20) Monetary Loss Root Causes (Strategy Executive: TBD) Root Cause Identification (12/18-5/19 COMPLETE) Identity (Phase 1) (7/19-1/20 COMPLETE) Tolerable Level of Improper Payments Evaluation (TBD) Quantifying Identity (3/20-7/20) Strategic Data Use (Strategy Executive: Treasury) Dataset and Eligibility Criteria Identification (12/18-5/19 COMPLETE) Preliminary Data Access Identification (7/19-1/20 COMPLETE) Preliminary Eligibility Pilot Project (1/20-3/22) Data Access Identification & Data Element/Eligibility Requirements (3/20-8/20) Mitigation Strategies (Strategy Executive: VA) Leveraging Existing Strategies to Reduce Monetary Loss (7/19-2/20 COMPLETE) Non-data Dependent Strategy Mapping to Monetary Loss Root Causes (12/19-2/20 COMPLETE) Education and Mitigation Strategy Pilot Evaluation (3/20-5/20) Pilot Development and Implementation (6/20-5/21) Partnership with States (Strategy Executive: Treasury) Federally Funded State Administered Program Evaluation (5/19-8/19 COMPLETE) States Partnership (4/20-1/21)](/preview/gsa/cfo.gov/content-fix/assets/images/gpr_org_structure.png)
- Office of Management and Budget
- Department of Labor
- Department of Treasury
- Department of Health and Human Services / Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services
CAP Goal #9 “Getting Payments Right”
CAP Goal #9 “Getting Payments Right,” CAP Goal Action Plan slide deck updated and posted to Performance.gov, updating the strategy and goal leads and highlighting 2019 Q4 accomplishments.
Initial meeting of CAP Goal #9 Working Group
Initial meeting of CAP Goal #9 Working Group - Root Causes and Eligibility Criteria Reporting. The Root Causes and Eligibility Criteria working group will seek to identify and categorize different eligibility root causes of improper payments.
2019 Quarterly Key Priority Indicators posted to Paymentaccuracy.gov
2019 Quarterly Key Priority Indicators (KPI) Scorecards posted to Paymentaccuracy.gov and Performance.gov websites. KPI Scorecards are for high-priority programs to highlight quarterly goals and accomplishments.