Financial Assistance
The Financial Assistance Priority Area focuses on maximizing the value of grant funding by applying a risk-based, data-driven framework that balances compliance requirements with demonstrating successful results for the American taxpayer.
Below is the Executive Steering Committee organizational structure for the Financial Assistance Priority Area:
![Hierarchy Row 1 (from top): Chief Financial Officers Council (CFOC) Hierarchy Row 2: Executive Steering Committee (ESC) OMB, HHS, DOL, NSF & the co-chairs from the Financial Assistance Committee for E-Government Stakeholder Outreach Hierarchy Row 3: Operationalize the Grants Management Standards ESC Lead: Dale Bell, NSF Grants Management Business Process and Data Standards Governance Group Establish a Robust Marketplace of Modern Solutions ESC Lead: Sheila Conley, HHS Single Audit and Risk Management Solution Working Group Quality Service Management Organization (QSMO) Governance Management Risk ESC Lead: Laura Watson, DOLRisk Management Working GroupCompliance Supplement teams Achieve Program Goals & Objectives ESC Lead: Robin Funston, DOJ Performance Management Working Group](/preview/gsa/cfo.gov/content-fix/assets/images/Grants_org_structure.png)
![Hierarchy Row 1 (from top): Chief Financial Officers Council (CFOC) Hierarchy Row 2: Executive Steering Committee (ESC) OMB, HHS, DOL, NSF & the co-chairs from the Financial Assistance Committee for E-Government Stakeholder Outreach Hierarchy Row 3: Operationalize the Grants Management Standards ESC Lead: Dale Bell, NSF Grants Management Business Process and Data Standards Governance Group Establish a Robust Marketplace of Modern Solutions ESC Lead: Sheila Conley, HHS Single Audit and Risk Management Solution Working Group Quality Service Management Organization (QSMO) Governance Management Risk ESC Lead: Laura Watson, DOLRisk Management Working GroupCompliance Supplement teams Achieve Program Goals & Objectives ESC Lead: Robin Funston, DOJ Performance Management Working Group](/preview/gsa/cfo.gov/content-fix/assets/images/Grants_org_structure.png)
The Executive Steering Committee membership for the Financial Assistance Priority Area includes:
- Office of Management and Budget
- Department of Health and Human Services
- National Science Foundation
- Department of Justice
- Department of Labor
- Federal Assistance Committee for E-Government Co-Chairs
Controller Alert: Reducing Burden For Federal Agencies By Rescinding Grants Management Related Requirements
The purpose of this Controller Alert is to provide additional details and updates regarding the grants management related requirements that were rescinded in M-17-26.
Read More07/05/2016
July 2016: Uniform Guidance: Promising Practices in Implementation
Opening Remarks Dave Mader, Controller, OMB Rhea Hubbard, Policy Analyst, OMB Gil Tran, Policy Analyst, OMB Promising Practices in Implementation; Risk Assessment (Panel 1) Andrea Brandon, Director, Financial Assistance Policy and Oversight, Department of Homeland Security and COFAR Co-Chair Phil Maestri, Director, Risk Management Service, U.S. Department of Education Moderator; Rhea Hubbard, Policy Analyst, OMB. Continued
Read More12/01/2014
OMB together with Federal awarding agencies is issuing a joint interim final rule to implement the new guidance at 2 C.F.R. 200 titled Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance).
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