Enterprise Risk Management
The Enterprise Risk Management Priority Area focuses on promoting and facilitating a risk-aware culture across the Federal Government through comprehensive strategy-setting supported by quality data.
Below is the Executive Steering Committee organizational structure for the Enterprise Risk Management Priority Area:
![Hierarchy Row 1 (from top): Executive Steering Committee (DOD, DOJ, FDIC, HHS, IRS, OMB, SBA, Treasury, VA) Hierarchy Row 2: Identify and Build on Best Practices for ERM ERM Standards, Processes, Procedures Workforce, WG ERM Playbook 1.1 Update Committee Playbook WG(s) Standardize and Implement Federal ERM Maturity Model ERM Maturity Model Maturity Model WG Agency ERM Maturity Assessment Integrate Risk Management Practices Strategic Reviews and Performance Information Technology and Systems Cybersecurity WG Budget Formulation and Resource Prioritization Budget WG Internal Control & Assurances Fraud WG (FDRAA) Surge Work Groups Lapse (2019) Facilitate Constructive ERM Coordination Legislative Branch/GAO/Congress Non Governmental Inspector Generals IG Coordination WG](/preview/gsa/cfo.gov/content-fix/assets/images/erm_org_structure.png)
![Hierarchy Row 1 (from top): Executive Steering Committee (DOD, DOJ, FDIC, HHS, IRS, OMB, SBA, Treasury, VA) Hierarchy Row 2: Identify and Build on Best Practices for ERM ERM Standards, Processes, Procedures Workforce, WG ERM Playbook 1.1 Update Committee Playbook WG(s) Standardize and Implement Federal ERM Maturity Model ERM Maturity Model Maturity Model WG Agency ERM Maturity Assessment Integrate Risk Management Practices Strategic Reviews and Performance Information Technology and Systems Cybersecurity WG Budget Formulation and Resource Prioritization Budget WG Internal Control & Assurances Fraud WG (FDRAA) Surge Work Groups Lapse (2019) Facilitate Constructive ERM Coordination Legislative Branch/GAO/Congress Non Governmental Inspector Generals IG Coordination WG](/preview/gsa/cfo.gov/content-fix/assets/images/erm_org_structure.png)
- Office of Management & Budget
- Department of Defense
- Health and Human Services
- Department of Treasury
- Internal Revenue Service
- Department of Veterans Affairs
- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
- Small Business Administration
- Department of Justice
Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Playbook Released
Today, the Chief Financial Officers Council (CFOC) and the Performance Improvement Council (PIC) release the Playbook.
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