About the Chief Financial Officers Council
What's New
Welcome to the refreshed & modernized CFO.gov! CFO.gov is now organized from a customer-first perspective. Most notably:
- A fresh, compliant use of US Web Design System and Federalist templates;
- Information on JFMIP and FRPC
- A living Policies & Guidance page, as well as Knowledge Sharing page, filterable by topic
We hope you like the redesigned site, and we’re relying on your feedback to make it even better. Our goal is to regularly improve -- to get you the information you need and to better connect you to our Council.
Mission History
The Council was established by the Chief Financial Officers (CFO) Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-576). It is an organization composed of the CFOs and Deputy CFOs of the largest Federal agencies, senior officials of the Office of Management and Budget, and the Department of the Treasury who work collaboratively to improve financial management in the U.S. Government.
The Council was established to advise and coordinate the activities of the member agencies on matters, including:
- Consolidating and modernizing of financial systems;
- Improving the quality of financial information;
- Financial data and information standards;
- Internal controls;
- Legislation affecting financial operations and organizations; and,
- Any other financial management matters.
The membership of the Chief Financial Officers Council includes:
- Deputy Director for Management of the Office of Management and Budget, who shall act as chairperson of the Council;
- Controller of the Office of Federal Financial Management of the Office of Management and Budget;
- Fiscal Assistant Secretary of Treasury; and
- Chief Financial Officers of the agencies listed below.
Council Agencies
- Department of Agriculture
- Department of Commerce
- Department of Defense
- Department of Education
- Department of Energy
- Department of Health and Human Services
- Department of Homeland Security
- Department of Housing and Urban Development
- Department of the Interior
- Department of Justice
- Department of Labor
- Department of State
- Department of Transportation
- Department of the Treasury
- Department of Veterans Affairs
- Environmental Protection Agency
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- Agency for International Development
- General Services Administration
- National Science Foundation
- Nuclear Regulatory Commission
- Office of Personnel Management
- Small Business Administration
- Social Security Administration
Council Priorities
Members of the Council identify the key issues necessary for successful implementation of the Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990 and to improve financial management leadership.
Since the Act was signed into law there has been substantial progress and many positive achievements. Individual Council members have stepped forward to lead committees and special projects to improve government-wide financial management.
The Council continuously reviews progress in each identified area of emphasis.
Current priorities are:
- Improve financial management systems;
- Effectively implement the Government Performance and Results Act;
- Secure clean opinions on agency-wide and government-wide audited financial statements;
- Develop a quality financial management workforce;
- Improve loan management, tax and debt collection;
- Design management systems to improve accountability for performance;
- Modernize payments and business methods through electronic commerce.
Council Leadership
The Council Chairperson is the Deputy Director for Management of the Office of Management and Budget.
The Controller of Office of Management and Budget leads the activities of the Council on behalf of the Chairperson.
Org Structure
![Chief Financial Officers Council: Hierarchy Row 1 (from top):Monthly CFOC Mtg, Monthly Ad hoc Mtg, Monthly ESC Meetings, Workforce Group Meetings Hierarchy Row 2: ESCs & Working Groups: Results-Oriented Accountability for Grants: Operationalize the Grants Mgt Standards, Establish a Robust Marketplace of Modern Solutions, Manage Risk, Achieve Program Goals & Objectives, Getting Payments Right: Clarify and Streamline Requirements, Identify Monetary Loss Root Causes, Strategic Data Use, Mitigation Strategies, Strength States Partnerships, Fiscal Management Transformation: Standardize FM Business Processes & Data (FMSC), Shape the Workforce, Improve Reporting & Audit Value, Opportunities for Legislative Reform, Budget Reform & Transparency, Financial Data Transformation: Open-Improve Data Accessibility, Connect to Support Mission & Results, Demonstrate Value, Cross-Coordination: Enterprise Risk Management (FM Focus):Identify and Build on Best Practices/Successes, Standardize & Implement ERM Maturity Model, Integrate Risk Management Practices, Facilitate Constructive ERM Coordination, Federal Real Property Council: Implement Capital and Strategic Planning, Standardize Business Process & Data, Analyze Root Causes of Challenges & Pursue Legislative Changes,JFMIP: Quarterly Principals Meeting, Update Strategy Mission, Host the Annual JFMIP Conference](/preview/gsa/cfo.gov/content-fix/assets/images/org-structure.png)
![Chief Financial Officers Council: Hierarchy Row 1 (from top):Monthly CFOC Mtg, Monthly Ad hoc Mtg, Monthly ESC Meetings, Workforce Group Meetings Hierarchy Row 2: ESCs & Working Groups: Results-Oriented Accountability for Grants: Operationalize the Grants Mgt Standards, Establish a Robust Marketplace of Modern Solutions, Manage Risk, Achieve Program Goals & Objectives, Getting Payments Right: Clarify and Streamline Requirements, Identify Monetary Loss Root Causes, Strategic Data Use, Mitigation Strategies, Strength States Partnerships, Fiscal Management Transformation: Standardize FM Business Processes & Data (FMSC), Shape the Workforce, Improve Reporting & Audit Value, Opportunities for Legislative Reform, Budget Reform & Transparency, Financial Data Transformation: Open-Improve Data Accessibility, Connect to Support Mission & Results, Demonstrate Value, Cross-Coordination: Enterprise Risk Management (FM Focus):Identify and Build on Best Practices/Successes, Standardize & Implement ERM Maturity Model, Integrate Risk Management Practices, Facilitate Constructive ERM Coordination, Federal Real Property Council: Implement Capital and Strategic Planning, Standardize Business Process & Data, Analyze Root Causes of Challenges & Pursue Legislative Changes,JFMIP: Quarterly Principals Meeting, Update Strategy Mission, Host the Annual JFMIP Conference](/preview/gsa/cfo.gov/content-fix/assets/images/org-structure.png)